Nous travaillons pour créer un réseau entre doctorants et docteurs.
ADDED is the Association of PhD students and young doctors of the Doctoral Schools PSIME and MIIS located at the university of Rouen and the university of Le Havre. It is an association governed by the law 1901 created in December 2012.
The objectives of the association are:
- Bring the help to the Phd students from the registration to the defense throughout the relation with the Doctoral Schools.
- Maintain the relation between the PhD students through the organization of social, cultural and scientific activities.
- Encourage communication and scientific popularization.
- Maintain the relations between the PhD students and the doctors coming from the same Doctoral Schools in order to benefit from their experience and develop the professional network of each.
In order to accomplish its goals, the association establishes communications and regular meetings. The main event of each year is the organization of the Day of PhD Students (Journée des Doctorants, JDD) of the Doctoral Schools. This event is dedicated for PhD students who can also participate in its organization along with the association's members. On this special day, PhD students are invited to present their work in an informal way for a general audience coming from different fields. (more inforamtion).
In order to help PhD students of different laboratories of the SMPII Doctoral School to get to know each other, ADDED organizes informal going out sessions during the year at Rouen or the Havre. ADDED takes joy on helping PhD students throughout their administrative procedures (academic, culture, sports, housing, among others), especially for the non-francophone people.
The association has an office equipped with self-service computers available that PhD students can use. The office is located in Saint-Etienne du Rouvray, Technopole du Madrillet, Université de Rouen Normandie. (contact).
Assistance for your administrative documents is also available if you wish, especially for non-French speaking foreign students.
The association is currently preparing a set of seminars (stay updated) in order to raise awareness among the undergraduate and graduate students of pursuing a fruitful PhD career..
ADDED's Office
- President : Bienvenu ATAWA.
- Vice-President : Lawali HABIBOU.
- Treasurer : Loan LAVINIUS.
- Secretary (Fr) : Clément FOSSE.
- Secretary (En) : Ragav RAMACHANDRAN.
ADDED's Previous Office
March 2016 - November 2017
- PhD thesis CIFRE: «Étude de la ségrégation du Bore dans les aciers spéciaux Ascométal®.»
- Establishment: GPM (Laboratoire d’accueil), Asco Industries (Entreprise)
- Phone: +33 (0) 2 35 14 71 84.
- Office: U1.2.69, Université de Rouen (Madrillet site).
- Email:
claire.debreux[at] - Languages: French (native), English.
Xavier MONNIER: Vice-president
- PhD thesis: «Etude de la mobilité moléculaire dans des systèmes polymères complexes anisotropes et confinés.»
- Establishment: GPM - équipe EIRCAP (Laboratoire d’accueil)
- Email: monnierxg[at]
- Languages: French (native), English.
Steven ARAUJO :
- PhD thesis: «Amélioration des méthodes électromagnétiques hautes fréquences pour la détermination de la compacité d'enrobés bitumineux et caractérisation diélectriques des matériaux d'enrobés.»
- Establishment: GPM - équipe EIRCAP (Laboratoire d’accueil), CEREMA (Employeur)
- Email: steven.araujo76[at]
- Languages: French (native), English.
Secretary (English)
- PhD thesis: «Modeling an oil Injector for a FCC Reactor.»
- Établissements: CORIA (Laboratory), and Vinci Technologies (Company)
- Email: javier.anez[at]
- Languages: English, Spanish.
Soufiane BELHARBI:
Secretary (French)
- Webmaster
- PhD thesis: «Neural Networks Regularization Through Representation Learning.»
- Establishment:LITIS
- Email: soufiane.belharbi[at]
- Website:
- Languages: French, English, Kabyle, Arabic, Japanese (few words).